Township Information


Chassell Township is 8 miles south of Houghton in the historic Upper Peninsula of Michigan, within walking distance of Portage Lake. The Township Office is located inside Superior National Bank on U.S. 41 in Chassell, at 41950 Willson Memorial Dr.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 438
Chassell, MI 49916

Office Hours

Clerk: Monday & Wednesday 10AM-3PM
Water/Sewer Clerk: Monday & Wednesday 9AM-3PM
Treasurer: Monday 9AM-3PM
Phone: (906) 523-4000
Fax: (906) 523-9267

The Chassell Township Board

Township Meetings are held on the Second Wednesday of the Month at 7 pm at the Chassell Fire Hall. Check the News and Calendar for the specific date.

Planning Commission Meeting Times: The Thursday prior to the Regular Board meeting at 7 pm at the Chassell Fire Hall. Check the News and Calendar for the specific date.

David Mattson, Supervisor. Daytime phone: 906-353-6330, cell phone: 906-458-7704

Kelly Holmes, Treasurer. Email:

Lynn Gierke, Clerk. Work phone: 906-523-4000, Email:

Ryan Kuntze, Trustee

Dan Palosaari, Trustee. Cell phone: 906-370-2970

Chassell Medical First Responders
Dylan Malone – Director, Phone: 906-370-008

Fire Department
Curt Judson, Fire Chief, Phone: 956-336-9140

Township Assessor, Mark Maki
PO Box 261, Trenary, MI 49891
Phone: 906-446-3335; Fax 906-446-3335

Zoning Administrator
Tim Palosaari, 906-370-2960


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