News & Calendar

2021 News

2020 News
Transportation Asset Management for Local Officials-January 14, 2020-Stanton Township Hall-Registration Info

2019 News
Michigan Township Association Spotlight
Michigan Fireworks Laws-Fireworks

2018 News
Sturgeon River-US 41 Press Releases from the Local Health Department from 2018

Recognizing the distance to the Chassell Township community water system well field including its upland elevation and well construction, the Chassell Township Water System will  NOT be effected by the recent fuel spill on US-41 at the Sturgeon River.

Sturgeon River-US 41 Press Release WUPHD 2-21-18
Sturgeon River-US 41 Press Release WUPHD 2-8-18
Sturgeon River-US 41 Press Release WUPHD 2-7-18
Sturgeon River-US 41 Press Release WUPHD 2-6-18

Township meetings are the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM.

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